Sunday February 14, 2021

Valentine’s Day is the day for the celebration of love. Love is a very simple yet very profound word that signifies a number of emotions that speak of affection and attraction. This word refers to a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes, ranging from faint pleasure to a feeling of strong interpersonal attachment.
Although this day has been specially designated to all those who are in a relationship or as we call it in love … But isn’t every day a valentines day as LOVE is constant, it’s surreal, and it’s one of the most sublime feelings ever?
Love happens when we are in a state of togetherness, companionship or friendship. The love message itself says, ‘I LOVE YOU ‘ which clearly implies the presence of more than one in a love RELATIONSHIP. Be that a relationship with one’s own self, parents, sibling, children, grandparents, aunts and uncles and friends, our spouse n partners.
So Valentine’s day is purely a celebration of honoring our feelings of LOVE and ROMANCE  !!  That’s what celebrating Valentine’s day is in its most TRUE SELF.
But first and foremost it’s all about loving our own self and accepting our own self with all limitations … and then to slowly work on these limitations with love and patience …
So here are a few tips and Thoughts on how to keep the ROMANCE alive in our life by being mindful …..
1. Remember it is so easy to rush from a disagreement to an argument.  But arguments rarely accomplish anything.
In fact, when you put energy into an argument, it takes more energy to reconstruct that relationship.
Remember only LOVE IS REAL.
2. Did you know that disappointment has nothing to do with other people or situations?  It is our emotional response to an expectation that we created. So the next time you feel disappointed, check to see if your expectations are reasonable and realistic. Expect only LOVE … After all its ” ASK AND ITS GIVEN ” …Love is all about Trust in the end.
3. Arguing or raising objections about a small matter distracts our own and other persons’ attention from the bigger picture. It is not good for relationships. It just wastes time. To know the goal of your conversation. Consider, what is important, the small details or moving onto the bigger issue.
 4.When you continually think: ‘He/She is wrong’,  you create a barrier that prevents you from reaching your own goodness. Do not hurt yourself thinking about how others must change,  instead, when you concentrate on your own change, good things start to happen. Then you find yourself aking to happiness.
5. Mind’s energy is the energy of your thoughts. Each and every thought is a seed. Check which thought of yours leads to the creation of fear, hate, anger, peace, unity, understanding, etc. Pay attention to your thoughts. Going nonjudgemental is a sure shot recipe to a healthy relationship.
6. Attitudes are based on assumptions. In order to change Attitudes, one must first change one’s assumptions. Develop the Attitude that there are more reasons why you should succeed in your relationships than reasons why you should fail. When you are faced with a bad, poor or challenging relation, adopt the attitude that you can and will solve it. We become what we think.
7. Think of the word  ‘MAYBE’ when things go wrong. Maybe we could have done things differently. Maybe there’s a benefit in what happened. Maybe there is something better to come. Thinking this way you are not caught up in disappointment or labeling things as good or bad. Instead, you are able to maintain your peace of mind and keep the romance up in your life.
8. Being overly critical of ourselves & others robs us of our happiness.  It creeps on to us so quietly that we don’t even realize we are doing it. But if your aim is to be happy at all times, then consciously notice your inner & outer criticisms.  Notice how liberating it is to let go of your inner & outer criticisms & you are free to think supportive, uplifting & affirming things about yourself & others. This is one classic way to stay in happy relationships.

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