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  • A Broken Heart Is an Open Heart

    By: Jamie Greenwood “A broken heart is not the same as sadness. Sadness occurs when the heart is stone cold and lifeless. On the contrary, there is an unbelievable amount of vitality in a broken heart.” ~Elizabeth Lesser “I love you but I’m not in love with you” was the line my first boyfriend used…

  • You Deserve to Chill: How to Create Space to Heal and De-stress

    By Jodi Aman “She had not known the weight until she felt the freedom.” ~Nathaniel Hawthorne Why do we stress ourselves out? Why is it that being productive and getting tasks done is more important than healing and taking the time to feel calm? Stress and anxiety can affect our lives in so many different…

  • How to Maintain a Sense of Peace No Matter What Life Throws At You

     By Melissa Chu “Ships don’t sink because of the water around them; ships sink because of the water that gets in them. Don’t let what’s happening around you get inside you and weigh you down.” ~Unknown Do you ever feel like your life is a rollercoaster? One second, you’re on top of the world. The…

  • 17 Predictions of 2017 – Day 10 – What Medical Breakthroughs Can We Expect in 2017?

    By: Psychic Nancy Hello happy holidays to you. May your New Year be filled with much success and happiness and all your heart desires. As we come into the new year of 2017 I honestly feel that there are many things that are going to be coming forward. I have seen visions of doctors finding…

  • 17 Predictions of 2017 – Day 9 – Will There Be Any Health Outbreaks in 2017?

    By: Psychic Samantha Hi my name is Samantha and this is my prediction for health outbreaks in 2017. Throughout the years many illnesses have come and taken us over by surprise such as Ebola, West Nile,  as well as many others that would not normally be expected. For 2017, I predict unfortunately there will be…